Social Responsibility Engagement with Investors
SHR strives to disclose information that is appropriate and easy to understand for all investors through the enhancement of timely disclosure, its website, and the issuance of ESG reports, etc. In 2024, our information disclosure was rated highly according to the GRESB disclosure evaluation (five-level evaluation from A to E), which evaluates the degree of fulfillment of ESG information disclosure, and obtained the highest “A” rating for five consecutive years. In addition, we place importance on dialogue with investors, and are implementing the following initiatives.
Engagement with Institutional Investors
This table can be scrolled sideways.
15th FP ended Apr. 2022 and 16th FP ended Oct. 2022 |
17th FP ended Apr. 2023 and 18th FP ended Oct. 2023 |
Financial results briefing for domestic institutional investors, analysts, etc. | 2 times (June/December) | 2 times (June/December) |
IR meetings for domestic institutional investors, analysts, etc. | 136 times | 124 times |
IR meetings for overseas institutional investors, etc. | 60 times | 55 times |
Engagement with Individual Investors
This table can be scrolled sideways.
15th FP ended Apr. 2022 and 16th FP ended Oct. 2022 |
17th FP ended Apr. 2023 and 18th FP ended Oct. 2023 |
Events for individual investors | 4 times | 5 times |
Click here for an archive of past events (Japanese only).
Click here for a special website for individual investors (Japanese only).