ESG Library SASB Standards Content Index

SASB Standards Content Index

Sustainability Disclosure Topics & Accounting Metrics

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Topic Accounting Metric Code Response, Relevant Content
Energy Management Energy consumption data coverage as a percentage of total floor area, by property sector IF-RE-130a.1. ESG Data "Information Related to Calculation of Environmental Performance Data"
(1) Total energy consumed by portfolio area with data coverage, (2) percentage grid electricity, and (3) percentage renewable, by property sector IF-RE-130a.2. ESG Data "Energy"
ESG Data "Renewable Energy"
Like-for-like percentage change in energy consumption for the portfolio area with data coverage, by property sector IF-RE-130a.3. ESG Data "Energy"
Percentage of eligible portfolio that (1) has an energy rating and (2) is certified to ENERGY STAR, by property sector IF-RE-130a.4. 1.2% (as of June 14, 2024)
(Reference) Percentage of the Portfolio with Green Certification
Investing in Real Estate with Excellent Environmental Performance
Description of how building energy management considerations are integrated into property investment analysis and operational strategy IF-RE-130a.5. SHR's Sustainability
Materiality (Important Issues)
Stakeholder Engagement
Collaboration with Tenants and Property Management Companies
Water Management Water withdrawal data coverage as a percentage of (1) total floor area and (2) floor area in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress, by property sector IF-RE-140a.1. -
(1) Total water withdrawn by portfolio area with data coverage and (2) percentage in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress, by property sector IF-RE-140a.2. -
Like-for-like percentage change in water withdrawn for portfolio area with data coverage, by property sector IF-RE-140a.3. -
Description of water management risks and discussion of strategies and practices to mitigate those risks IF-RE-140a.4. Materiality (Important Issues)
Conservation of Natural Capital, Coexistence of Humankind and Nature, and Initiatives for Environmental Resources "Installation of Water-Saving Equipment"
Management of Tenant Sustainability Impacts (1) Percentage of new leases that contain a cost recovery clause for resource efficiency-related capital improvements and (2) associated leased floor area, by property sector IF-RE-410a.1 -
Percentage of tenants that are separately metered or submetered for (1) grid electricity consumption and (2) water withdrawals, by property sector IF-RE-410a.2 -
Discussion of approach to measuring, incentivizing, and improving sustainability impacts of tenants IF-RE-410a.3 Collaboration with Tenants and Property Management Companies
Climate Change Adaptation Area of properties located in 100-year flood zones, by property sector IF-RE-450a.1 -
Description of climate change risk exposure analysis, degree of systematic portfolio exposure, and strategies for mitigating risks IF-RE-450a.2 Measures for Addressing Climate Change

Activity Metrics

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Activity Metrics Code Response, Relevant Content
Number of assets, by property sector IF-RE-000.A Portfolio "Portfolio Data"
Leasable floor area, by property sector IF-RE-000.B IR Library "Disclosure Materials (DATABOOK)"
Percentage of indirectly managed assets, by property sector IF-RE-000.C -
Average occupancy rate, by property sector IF-RE-000.D IR Library "Disclosure Materials (DATABOOK)"