Social Responsibility Respect for Human Rights

Respect for Human Rights

At the core of the Sekisui House Group’s corporate philosophy is “love of humanity,” and the principle of valuing human beings is the foundation of the Group’s corporate management. In accordance with the "Sekisui House Group Human Rights Policy", established by Sekisui House in April, 2020, SHA strives to ensure that there are no infringements of human rights, including harassment, to contribute to the creation of a workplace environment where all employees can work enthusiastically and lead to growth.
All Sekisui House Group officers and employees (including part-time and fixed-term employees) must comply with this policy, and the Sekisui House Group promotes awareness of the policy through training and other measures. the Group also publishes the policy on our website and expect all stakeholders inside and outside the Group to understand and support the Group’s policies and initiatives for respecting human rights.
In addition, to disclose information as stated in the Human Rights Policy, we publish a human rights report.

Sekisui House Group Human Rights Policy (excerpt)

We are committed to respecting human rights as stipulated in the International Bill of Human Rights and the ILO (International Labour Organization) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We are a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact and we support its ten principles.

We strictly prohibit any form of forced labor and child labor.

We shall continue to promote the creation of a corporate structure with zero tolerance for any discrimination or harassment based on birth, nationality, race, ethnicity, beliefs, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disabilities, preference, educational background, family or any other ground. We also strive to maintain a healthy working environment without discrimination in employment or treatment of employees.

We respect the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. We comply with labor-related laws and regulations and observe labor-management agreements. We are committed to engaging in employees or their representatives in good faith through dialogue and consultations and continuously work to build constructive relations.

We comply with national and regional laws and regulations in countries and regions where we operate. Where national and regional laws and regulations conflict with international human rights standards, we seek ways to honor the principles of internationally recognized human rights while complying with national and regional laws and regulations.

Click here for all of Sekisui House Group Human Rights Policy.
Click here for Sekisui House Group Human Right Report 2023.

Promoting Human Rights Policies

To raise awareness of human rights issues and foster a work environment in which employees can work comfortably, human relations training is held for all Group employees every year. This training is designed to improve employees’ awareness around human rights and provides an opportunity for them to think about human rights as their own issues in their everyday work. The training style emphasizes dialogue among employees with the head of each organization acting as facilitator.
In addition, we solicit human rights slogans from all Group employees and their families for Human Rights Week, from December 4th to 10th every year. The slogans selected as outstanding works are displayed on posters in Group companies.

Human Rights Reporting System

The Sekisui House Group has established several reporting systems, including the Compliance Helpline, to identify concerns and potential negative human rights impacts associated with its business activities, and is working to enhance its consultation services through the appropriate operation of these systems. The "Sexual Harassment and Power Harassment Hotline" has been established as a consultation desk system for all human rights issues, including various types of harassment or any consultation for creating a comfortable working environment for employees with disabilities. Furthermore, inquiries regarding human rights may be made through our public website as well.
SHA also has one male and one female personnel in charge of the consultation desk.