Sustainability Policy / Sustainability Promotion System Sustainability Management
Sustainability Policy
In society that is becoming increasingly diverse and complex,SHR and SHA have a responsibility to contribute to the resolution of social issues through business activities. We believe that fulfilling this responsibility not only enhances the sustainability of the society and SHR, but also ultimately maximizes unitholder value.
SHR has a vision, “managing assets to better provide for people, society and the future” and conducts business activities from a medium to long term perspective. Based on the Sustainability Policy established by SHA, we will strive to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and increase corporate value by complying with and implementing this policy.
1.Enhancement of Governance System
In addition to complying with laws, regulations, and other rules, we ensure appropriate management to prevent conflicts of interest and work to enhance our governance system. We also conduct education / training and awareness-raising activities for directors, and employees to ensure thorough compliance.
2.Responding to Climate Change
We actively and continuously promote the efficient use of energy and aim to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, toward the creation of a decarbonized society.
As part of our response to climate change, SHR will also implement measures to raise the awareness of both internal and external stakeholders.
3.Water and Resource Saving Measures
We will actively contribute to the creation of a recycling-based society by promoting measures and public awareness activities for reducing water use and implementing the three Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) in relation to resources.
4.Biodiversity Conservation
In accordance with the Gohon no Ki (“five trees”) Project promoted by Sekisui House, we aim to realize harmony with nature and the surrounding environment by conducting maintenance and management of planting and other greenery measures, centering on tree species with consideration given to the ecosystem matters.
5.Providing Comfort and Safety
We will provide high-quality housing where residents can lead their lives in comfort and safety.
We will also provide convenient, safe, and comfortable spaces that contribute to enhancing the productivity of tenant companies.
6.Contributing to Regions and Communities
We will create liveliness in the region and work to coexist with and revitalize the region and community.
7.Practicing Human Capital Management in Action
By respecting diversity, personality and individuality, and promoting work-life balance, we aim to create an organizational culture in which each employee can work in a healthy and lively manner.
We also encourage the autonomy of our employees, and work to improve the value of our human resource value based on their happiness.
8.Cooperating with Stakeholders
In order to promote environmental and social considerations throughout the supply chain, we seek the understanding and cooperation of property management companies, other business partners, residents, tenant companies and facility users.
9.Disclosing Information and Acquiring External Certifications
We will proactively disclose ESG-related information to our stakeholders.
We will also continue to acquire environmental certification and assessment from external evaluation organizations.
Sustainability Promotion System
SHA has established the Sustainability Committee for the purpose of continuous and organizational implementation of ESG initiatives. With the aim of strengthening the sustainability promotion system, the Committee is composed of the President & Chief Executive Officer as Chief Sustainability Officer, the Director in charge of ESG promotion Department as Chief Sustainability Operator, all full-time directors, the compliance officer, and all heads of departments of SHA. This Committee sets materiality and target (KPI) and reviews them at least once a year, and develops the system to promote sustainability. Matters deliberated by the Committee are approved and/or instructed, and various actions are taken based on them. The progress of initiatives and the status of engagement with stakeholders are reported regularly to the Committee, and reports are also made to the Board of Directors of SHR as appropriate. The Committee will meet at least once every three months in principle (held nine times in fiscal year 2023.) With the Committee at the core, SHA will work to implement sustainability initiatives across the organization and contribute to the resolution of social issues.