Social Responsibility Creating a Rewarding Workplace
Promoting Diversity
The Sekisui House Group strives to be an organization with happy employees who work enthusiastically to achieve goals. The Group has identified Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) as one of our key material issues, positioning it as an important aspect of our business strategy, and separated it into three pillars: promoting the participation of women, utilizing diverse personnel, and promoting diverse workstyles. By respecting the perspectives and values of each employee and creating a comfortable work environment, we aim to enable our diverse workforce to maximize their performance and contribute to enhancing corporate value. As a member of the Sekisui House Group, SHA is also implementing a variety of initiatives.
Click here for more information on the Sekisui House Group's promotion of diversity.
Promoting of Active Participation by Women
The Sekisui House Group has formulated the goals of the “Sekisui House’s Action Plan for the Promotion of Active Participation by Women”, and is proceeding with initiatives to promote the appointment of female managers throughout the Sekisui House Group. SHA has also set an increase in the ratio of female managers as a KPI, and not only promotes the active participation of female employees, but also supports diverse human resources so that they can receive fair opportunities.
KPI:Percentage of female managers: 7% or more
Supporting Active Participation of the Senior Employees
SHA has introduced an age 65 mandatory retirement rule so that all individual employees can work more enthusiastically, capably and energetically for a longer period. In addition, in April 2021, we introduced a post-retirement re-employment system for employees aged 65 through 70 to support their active participation.
Supporting Active Participation of Persons with Disabilities
SHA promotes the employment of persons with disabilities based on the Act to Facilitate the Employment of Persons with Disabilities. We support their activities by creating opportunities for conversation so that employees with disabilities, their supervisors and department members can communicate and consult with each other. In addition, a company-employed job coach provides support to employees with disabilities to help them work smoothly in the workplace, etc., and we aim to create a workplace where every employee, with or without disabilities, can work for a long time.
Promoting Diverse Workstyles
SHA aims to revitalize communication by reforming its work environment, upgrading the ICT infrastructure, and optimizing systems and rules. To ensure that each person can work to their fullest potential, we promote diverse working styles that allow for flexibility and autonomy, free from constraints of time and place. In promoting diverse workstyles, it is crucial to eliminate long working hours and create an environment where everyone can work enthusiastically. Thus, setting the KPI, and we are working reduce total working hours. Furthermore, utilizing telecommuting, staggered working hours, etc., to establish work styles that are compatible with changes in employee's live, SHA will continue to emphasize the importance of work-life balance and make our employees feel fulfilled and happy.
KPI: Average monthly work hours per person: 162 hours or less
KPI: Annual paid leave take-up rate: 70% or more
Monitoring of working hours
To reduce exceed working hours, when monthly overtime hours exceed 45 hours for more than three months throughout the year, notification to the supervisor and hearings with employees are conducted. When the working hours subject to health management exceed 60 hours, a warning notification is sent to the supervisor and the person in question. Furthermore, SHA has set a KPI of 162 hours or less for the average monthly working hours per person, and is working to reduce overtime work throughout the company.
Encouragement of planned use of annual paid leave
SHA has set a KPI of an annual paid leave take-up rate of 70% or more and encourages all employees to take their leave in a planned manner.
Encouraging Male Employees to Take Childcare Leave
SHA encourages male employees who have a child under three years of age to take at least one month of childcare leave. SHA began its childcare leave system for working fathers in September 2018. The first month is paid, and leave can be taken in as many as four segments based on their respective situations. In April 2021, SHA expanded the system into an eight-week postpartum benefit that can be used in one-day increments, to enable more choices and flexibility. SHA has raised awareness of the importance of the father’s presence during this period when new mothers are physically and emotionally taxed and at higher risk of postpartum depression.
KPI: Take-up rate for male childcare leave: 100%
Improvement of Employees' Benefits
SHA strives to provide a workplace environment where employees can enhance their motivation to work and demonstrate their skills through various welfare programs for all employees.
Key Benefit Systems
This table can be scrolled sideways.
System Name | Subject scope | Description |
Childcare leave | All employees | Paid leave for raising children under three years of age (includes children of legal guardians, opposite-sex common-law spouses, and same-sex domestic partners) |
Family-care leave | All employees | Paid leave for providing nursing care to a family member |
Sick childcare leave | All employees | Paid leave for nursing a sick or injured child or taking them to receive medical services (vaccinations, checkups, etc.) |
Child-support leave | All employees except part-time workers | Allows employees who are supporting children under eighteen years of age (Includes children of legal guardians, opposite-sex common-law spouses and same-sex domestic partners) to take leave |
Short working hours | All employees | System for working shorter hours to raise a child |
Congratulatory or condolence payment | All directors and employees except contract/part-time workers | One-time payment granted in the event of a marriage, childbirth, death, injury, illness, or damaging event experienced by employee or their family |
Staggered working hours | All employees | Permits employees to move their daily start and finish times forward or back following designated patterns |
By-the-hour annual leave | All employees except contract/ part-time workers | Allows up to five days of annual paid leave to be taken in hourly units |
Accumulated annual leave | All employees who work without a fixed term *Including contract employees who have a contract for more than 3 years |
Allows recipients to accumulate annual leave past the legal two-year limit and take as many as 100 days off in combination with standard annual leave |
Qualification reward | All employees except temporary and part-time workers | Supporting funds granted to those who pass a national certifying exam or other eligible credentialing exam |
Credentialing stipend | All employees except temporary, contract, and part-time workers | Payment granted to those who pass a national certifying exam or other eligible credentialing exam |
Self-directed career development leave | All employees except temporary and part-time workers | Allows employees who are studying at their own expense to take leave for a certain period of time and provides them with a loan to support their studies |
Advanced study support systems | All employees except temporary and part-time workers | Supports employees financially to acquire specialized knowledge at graduate schools, etc. |
Employee stock ownership plan | All employees except temporary, contract, and part-time workers | Allows Sekisui House Group company employees to purchase Sekisui House, Ltd. Stock through payroll deductions and provides an incentive of 10% of the purchase price |
Defined-contribution pension plan | All employees except part-time workers | Corporate pension plan in which future benefits are determined based on the total of contributed sum and investment earnings |
Commitment to Well-Being
Initiatives for Health and Safety
SHA has formulated the Rules of the Health Committee and established the Health Committee to promote the safety and health management activities of employees. The committee includes an occupational physician and meets monthly to discuss the workplace environment and gain insights for preventing health issues in the workplace and promoting improvements in employee health.
The committee also set up working groups to discuss healthcare and hygiene management, held walking events to create opportunities for employees to communicate with each other and to eliminate lack of exercise brought by teleworking, as well as to inform employees about influenza vaccination.
SHA also conducts stress checks for all employees to prevent the occurrence of any mental health issues. We encourage each employee to be aware of stress and provide consultation desk system from specialists (counselors). In this way, we provide support in dealing with stress and strive to improve the workplace environment.
Conducting employee satisfaction surveys
SHA gauges employee satisfaction using an annual governance awareness survey of all Sekisui House Group employees. Utilizing the survey, the company provides opportunities for all employees to share thoughts on topics such as corporate ethics and the workplace environment, encouraging more-active communication in the workplace.
Furthermore, as a member of the Sekisui House Group, we conduct a “Well-Being Survey” for all employees to analyze the correlation between individual and workplace happiness, as well as a group dialogue held at least once a year. Through the dialogue, we also strive to create a workplace culture that ensures psychological safety for every employee, providing a calm atmosphere that enables them to feel confident in expressing what they really feel, irrespective of job rank or employment type.
Labor Relations
SHA does not have a labor union, but respects “the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining” as stated in the Sekisui House Group Human Rights Policy.
In addition, SHA complies with labor-related laws and regulations and labor-management agreements, and works to build constructive relationships through sincere dialogue and negotiation with employees (including workers with shorter working hours) or employee representatives, and our labor-management relations have been amicable.
Wage System and Compliance with Equal Pay for Equal Work
SHA complies with the minimum wage provisions of labor-related laws and regulations for all employees, including part-time employees, etc., and pays wages that lead to maintaining and improving living standards, taking prices into consideration. In addition, we apply a remuneration system that complies with equal pay for equal work, and do not have any unreasonable treatment disparities.
In addition, SHA conducts evaluations for each evaluation item in personnel evaluations, and the results of the evaluations are appropriately reflected in employee promotions, salary increases, and bonuses. Bonuses are paid three times a year - June, December and March - of which the amount paid for June and December is determined according to attendance rate and individual performance, while the amount paid for March is determined by overall company performance along with individual performance.
Labor-Related Violations and Accidents
There have been no serious labor-related violations of laws and regulations or accidents during the period from January 1 to December 31, 2023.
Click here for labor-related data.
- Our Approach to Environmental Considerations, Environmental Performance
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- Conservation of Natural Capital, Coexistence of Humankind and Nature, and Initiatives for Environmental Resources
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