Environmental Initiatives Investing in Real Estate with Excellent Environmental Performance

Approach to the Acquisition of Green Certifications

SHR invests and manages real estate with excellent environmental performance, and is actively acquiring green certification to evaluate the environmental performance of its properties. Through these certifications, SHR objectively assesses the environmental performance and refers to such assessment for improvement.

In addition, SHR has set a target (KPI) for the percentage of green certifications obtained.

Green Certification
KPI: Percentage of portfolio with green certification Maintain 70% or more

Percentage of certified assets
(As of December 16, 2024)

(total floor area basis)

(Note 1)Green certifications refer to Certification for CASBEE for Real Estate, DBJ Green Building Certification, BELS and LEED.

(Note 2)In case the property contains multiple uses and only a specific use is certified, the percentage of portfolio with green certification is calculated based on the total floor area of the entire property, in principle.

(Note 3)The property acquired multiple certifications is calculated as one property.

Status of Acquisition of Green Certifications

(As of December 16, 2024)

This table can be scrolled sideways.

  Number of Certified Properties Number of Properties by Certification Rank
Certification for CASBEE for Real Estate 79 S 17
A 61
B+ 1
DBJ Green Building Certification 15 ★★★★★ 1
★★★★ 10
★★★ 4
BELS 3 ★★★★★ 2
★★ 1

Click here for status of acquisition of green certifications by property.

Overview of Green Certifications

Certification for CASBEE for Real Estate

CASBEE (Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency) is a system that comprehensively assesses the quality of a building, evaluating features such as interior comfort and consideration for the surrounding scenery, as well as its environmental friendliness such as its use of materials and equipment that save energy or achieve low environmental impact. CASBEE for Real Estate Certification was developed with the aim of making use of the results of the environmental assessment of buildings in real estate evaluation. It scores buildings under each of the evaluation items in five categories, comprising 1. Energy & Greenhouse Gases, 2. Water, 3. Use of Resources & Safety, 4. Biodiversity & Sustainable Site, and 5. Indoor Environment. Based on the scores, the evaluation results are given one of four ranks: Rank S, Rank A, Rank B+, and Rank B.

For details of Certification for CASBEE for Real Estate, please click here.

DBJ Green Building Certification

DBJ Green Building Certification Program was launched by Development Bank of Japan Inc. (“DBJ”) in April 2011, for the purpose of supporting the properties which give proper care to the environment and the society (“Green Building”).
The certification is based on a comprehensive evaluation of the property's environmental performance as well as how it responds to the needs of various stakeholders, including disaster prevention and community considerations, and is awarded on a five-star scale from 1 Star to 5 Stars.
Since August 2017, Japan Real Estate Institute (“JREI”) evaluates and certifies properties and DBJ is in charge of the entire system of the DBJ Green Building Certification Program.

For details of the “DBJ Green Building Certification System”, please click here.


LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) is a system for evaluating the overall environmental performance of buildings, developed and operated by the USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council), a US non-profit organisation, and examined by the GBCI (Green Business Certification Inc.). For each of the five certification systems, there are four levels of assessment: PLATINUM, GOLD, SILVER and CERTIFIED (standard certification).

For details of LEED, please click here.


BELS(Building-Housing Energy-efficiency Labeling System) is a system whereby third-party organisations assess and indicate the energy-saving performance of buildings, based on the Act on the Improvement of Energy Consumption Performance of Buildings (Building Energy Efficiency Act) . Residential and non-residential buildings with energy-saving equipment are rated on a seven scale from zero to six stars. Until March 2024, the evaluations are carried out at five levels from one to five stars.

For details of BELS (Building-Housing Energy-efficiency Labeling System), please click here (Japanese only).

ZEH (Net Zero Energy House)

Acquisition of ZEH Property

SHR has set a KPI "Acquire and keep owning 10 ZEH properties or more by 2030" and is promoting the acquisition of ZEH properties.
"ZEH-M Oriented Certification", which Prime Maison Asakusa EAST and Prime Maison Morishita WEST have acquired, refers to multi-unit housing complexes that aim to achieve significant energy savings while maintaining the quality of the indoor environment by significantly improving thermal insulation performance etc. and introducing high-efficiency equipment systems, as well as reducing primary energy consumption in the entire building including common areas by 20% or more.

Prime Maison Asakusa EAST

Prime Maison Morishita WEST

Sekisui House’s ZEH Initiatives

Sekisui House is working to promote ZEH not only in detached houses, but also in rental housing, condominiums, and all multi-unit housing complexes.
The rental housing brand "Sha Maison" is promoting the increased adoption of "Sha Maison ZEH", which is the ZEH of this brand. There are two types of ZEH: ZEH-M (ZEH Mansion), which aims for net zero energy consumption for the entire building, including common areas, and ZEH, which aims for net zero energy consumption in individual housing units. By primarily promoting ZEH for individual housing units where residents can enjoy benefits such as increased comfort, reduced utility costs, etc. Sekisui House is working to increase the adoption of rental housing that also meets ZEH-M standards. In addition, for the “Grande Maison” condominiums, Sekisui House is promoting ZEH in each residential unit.
SHR will contribute to decarbonization by actively investing in ZEH properties developed by Sekisui House.