Social Responsibility Occupational Health and Safety

Labor Relations

SHAM does not have a labor union, but respects “the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining” as stated in the Sekisui House Group Human Rights Policy.
In addition, SHAM complies with labor-related laws and regulations and labor-management agreements, and works to build constructive relationships through sincere dialogue and negotiation with employees (including workers with shorter working hours) or employee representatives, and our labor-management relations have been amicable.

Responding to Overwork

SHAM has set KPIs (targets) to reduce excessive working hours and overtime work, and is implementing the following initiatives.

KPI: Reduce the average monthly work hours per person to 162 hours or less by FY 2023

Result for FY 2022 159.9 hours

KPI: Achieve an annual paid leave take-up rate of 70% or more by FY 2023

Result for FY 2022 75.6%

Monitoring of working hours

When monthly overtime hours exceed 45 hours for more than three months throughout the year, notification to the supervisor and hearings with employees are conducted. When the working hours subject to health management exceed 60 hours, a warning notification is sent to the supervisor and the person in question. Furthermore, SHAM has set a KPI of 162 hours or less for the average monthly working hours per person (to achieve by fiscal year 2023), and is working to reduce overtime work throughout the company.

Encouragement of planned use of annual paid leave

We have set a KPI of an annual paid leave take-up rate of 70% or more (by fiscal year 2023), which exceeds the legally mandated annual paid leave utilization of five days, and encourage all employees to take their leave in a planned manner.

Wage System and Compliance with Equal Pay for Equal Work

SHAM complies with the minimum wage provisions of labor-related laws and regulations for all employees, including part-time employees, etc., and pays wages that lead to maintaining and improving living standards, taking prices into consideration. In addition, we apply a remuneration system that complies with equal pay for equal work, and do not differentiate remuneration based on gender.

In addition, SHAM conducts evaluations for each evaluation item in personnel evaluations, and the results of the evaluations are appropriately reflected in employee promotions, salary increases, and bonuses. Bonuses are paid three times a year - June, December and March - of which the amount paid for June and December is determined according to attendance rate and individual performance, while the amount paid for March is determined by overall company performance along with individual performance.

Labor-Related Violations and Accidents

There have been no serious labor-related violations of laws and regulations or accidents during the period from January 1 to December 31, 2022.

Click here for labor-related data.